Unfortunately, I have recently joined the student loan repayment club. After graduating this year, I realized I had 7 different loans that were approaching monthly payment dates just 6 months after finishing school. Several were unsubsidized which means I've been building quite a bit of interest on them since my Freshman year. I soon decided it was best to refinance my student loans in order to combine all of them into one easy monthly payment AND to receive a better interest rate than I was currently getting. Dealing with loans isn't exactly fun, but there are ways to make it easier on yourself!
After researching the options for refinancing, I found SoFi. They personalize the interest rate to each individual member with the single goal of helping to save the money of recent graduates. If you read this blog regularly, you know I LOVE saving money and am not willing to waste it for anything. The purpose of refinancing is to save yourself thousands, but SoFi seems to be in the lead when it comes to Student loans, mortgage refinancing, and personal loans. SoFi even has a special rate discount of 0.25% when you sign up for auto-pay. (THIS IS HUGE!) After doing this, my rate was so much lower than the previous rate I had from the school.
Right now when you sign up with SoFi using my link, you'll save $100 instantly after applying. You can click HERE to sign up or check out their site to see if it's for you. Please feel free to reach out to me on Insta (@madisonroetzel) with your questions as well. The more people I can help save money in this infinite trap of student loans, the better.

xoxo, Mattie